5 Merchandising Ideas You Need To Try

By Liam Sumner23/08/2023


Product merchandising is everywhere in retail and can be the difference between a successful store and a business that struggles to sell. But how do you merchandise correctly, with impact, and what are the benefits? Keep reading our guide on product merchandising to find out more and with examples to try in your store.

What is product merchandising?

Product merchandising is the intentional promotion and display of the products in your store. In retail, product merchandising includes a wide range of branches that are all valuable to the success of a business, including designing, displaying and selling of goods or services.

 what is product merchandising


Examples of product merchandising

To help you visualise product merchandising and its benefits, we have outlined some examples below that you can try in your retail store to help increase sales.



One example of product merchandising is to use signs throughout your store. At Displaysense, we have various types of signs that you can incorporate into your in-store displays and design. You can use street chalkboard signs to customise any promotional messaging or styling. Alternatively, you can use pavement signs to attract customers with more permanent messaging or offers. Check out the full range of POS Supplies available to secure indoor signage, such as snap frames and sign holders. 


Window displays

Your store window is a great opportunity for product merchandising and is often many customers' first impression of your business. Window displays are an opportunity to show customers the types of products you sell and wow passers-by with the level of expertise and detail you can display as a brand. A visually appealing window display can draw customers into your store and entice them to purchase. If you are looking for retail equipment, you can use mannequins, display cubes, and various equipment from Displaysense.

 Window Display


Interactive displays

One way to get customers to want to purchase your products is through interactive displays. There are many ways to incorporate interactive displays into your visual merchandising, and even though these can be costly to build and run – they can be effective.

Some examples of interactive displays and stores include:

In-Store Displays

Displaying products around your store in visually appealing displays is a great way to level up your product merchandising efforts. Creating this in-store experience will allow customers to visualise your products in relation to their own lives. If you sell clothes, display full outfit ideas on mannequins around the store, as this is a great cross-selling opportunity and will encourage customers to see your products in a new light. For businesses that sell baked goods or food, why not display some samples under food display covers or in display boxes?

Stocked shelves

Having fully stocked shelves and organised storage is great for the customer experience and can encourage customers to purchase when in-store. Being conscious about your inventory and what stock you have available helps you to utilise your storage space and allows you to promote the right products at the right time. Customers are more likely to purchase products from a visually appealing display than one that looks poorly stocked and presented.

Stocked Shelves 


What are the benefits of product merchandising?

There are many benefits of including product merchandising in your retail store; some of these include:


  • Customers spend more time in-store: By creating a visually appealing experience for customers in-store, you will find that their time spent in-store increases. As a retailer, this gives you more chances to sell and showcase your products to customers.
  • Engaged customer base: Having customers interact with your products and being curious about your offering creates an engaged customer base with your brand. With increased engagement, you will find it easier to sell products, and customers will keep returning to your store.
  • Satisfied customers: When customers want to spend time in your store, are engaging with your product offering and want to purchase it – you will find that they become satisfied and repeat customers.
  • Brand recognition: Gaining a reputation as a brand that gives great customer service or provides a great in-store experience can help attract new customers to your store. Retailers are curious and often act on recommendations from friends and family, so ensuring your brand is known for its in-store experience can help you gain brand recognition.


Colour psychology in product merchandising


What is colour psychology?

Colour psychology relates to how colours and tones impact behaviours and perceptions within the human mind. There have been several studies that show consumers have different reactions to colours within stores. Over the years, this has been used by branding and marketing companies to encourage consumers to purchase. Some studies contradict one another regarding the findings of colour psychology, so take everything you read with a grain of salt.


Colour Psychology

Colour psychology for your brand

Consistency within your brand can help you to gain brand awareness and allow customers to recognise it instantly. Choosing a cohesive colour scheme and introducing this throughout your brand in your product merchandising, packaging, and in-store design will allow consumers to create a colour association with it.


Guiding customers through the store

You can encourage customers to physically pass through your store in specific ways to encourage interaction with your product merchandising efforts. A real-life example includes theme park gift shops forcing customers through their stores to exit a theme park ride. Encouraging a specific flow through a store allows you to place particular products at regular intervals for the benefit of customers.

There are a few ways that you can implement this into your retail store to guide customers through your store and to help with crowd management. Queue barriers are particularly useful to guide customers through your checkout process. You can include dump bins and stacking baskets to encourage impulse purchasing while customers wait to pay.


Product merchandising with Displaysense

Product merchandising with Displaysense

At Displaysense, we have a wide range of retail equipment you can introduce throughout your store to encourage customers to purchase, create a better customer experience and improve your brand. You will also find storage furniture options to help you create an organised store from which customers want to purchase. Check out our selection of POS Supplies for signage that can be used throughout your store to encourage promotional messaging.


